How to Sing Your Heart Out This National Lover’s Day in Mexico

Do you consider it romantic when someone sings a song to you? Is it a special moment when you are awakened out of your sleep by sweet music?

If so, then you will agree that to sing your heart out is one way of romantically expressing your love to your partner.

Each culture has its own ways and traditions when it comes to courtship. In Zulu, South Africa, for example, women give their significant others love letters with elaborate beadwork. In Japan, the women create elaborate packed lunches also known as bento boxes, a way of showing their care for their partners. And in Mexico, one incredibly romantic way of expressing their love is by singing. Mexicans call it “Las Serenatas” or “The Serenades.”

Origin of Las Serenatas

Serenatas or serenades are musical performances held in someone’s honor, usually for a family member, a friend, or a girlfriend.

This custom started in the Medieval era, only as a solo performance - one person singing and playing the guitar.

Over the years, this tradition evolved into an act that involves two or more singers performing outdoors. This time, the guitar is accompanied by other musical instruments such as trumpets, horns, and drums, among others.

This beautiful tradition still exists today. The man, in the hope to sweep his girlfriend off her feet, hires a group of musicians to do the serenade.

These experienced musicians have the ability to create seductive and dreamy music. Upon hearing, one can easily imagine the caress of the hand of a lover, or the peaceful smiles in one’s sleep.

A photo of a Mexican woman.
Discover the richness of Mexican culture through their music.

A Way of Expressing Love

If you want to express your love for her through music, then don’t beat around the bush. Make the grand gesture and serenade her.

This National Lover’s Day, is it important to let your partner know that you love them.

It is a one-day celebration of love that is a perfect opportunity to reaffirm your love to your partner through your sweet actions.

If giving her flowers or chocolates, taking her to fancy restaurants, and going to the beach sounds ordinary, then unravel that performer in you and sing to her.

Music is very important in Mexico. This is part of their culture and is always included in any celebration, big or small. Their music sings of love, passion, country and history.

Mexicans are romantic. And one way to show how romantic they are is through music. People serenade each other to show love and gratitude.

Before Serenading Her

There is no need to find any other music as your “sing your heart out songs.” Mexican music already conveys the right emotions and has the right words fit for every love story. Its music has been known to set the right mood for candle lit dinners and intimate conversations.

Not everyone, however, is comfortable with the idea of singing. It’s why they leave that bit to actual musicians who have perfected every bit of their craft.

Not to doubt your musical talent - but people who overestimate their singing abilities risk the occasional sharp note or vocal crack. In other words, you may not want to risk monumentally embarrassing yourself in front of the love of your life.

But there is something to be said about a man with courage.

So if you have the courage to sing it to your Mexican woman, it may just work out in your favor, off-key or not.

Serenatas are typically done in the evening, after dinner time but before midnight.

It’s done to awaken the woman at just the right time, when all is still and serene.

Don’t keep your preparations to just your vocal warm-ups. Psych yourself up for a night of courtship.

You have to be confident and courageous because these are attractive traits in Mexico.

Las Serenatas is incomplete without any accompaniment. Hence, you must hire a “mariachi” or a group of musicians to come with you. If you can’t get hold of one, then a decent guitarist will do.

You can choose any love song you like. But just know that you’ll score extra points with your Mexican woman by singing a complete set of Mexican songs fully memorized.

Where You should Serenade Her

There are two (2) places where you can properly sing for your Mexican woman.

While these places are not the only choices, the following have the right mix of practicality and ambience:

Your Mexican Woman’s Residence

The traditional serenade is done at the woman’s home.

Show her just how serious you are to her and your relationship by showing up at her doorstep. Bring along a group of hired musicians, or “grupo musicales.”

Sing to her outside, under her window, or balcony.

If her room lights up but doesn’t open her window, don’t panic. A Mexican woman usually listens to two or three songs before looking out of her window.

If she comes out to her balcony to receive the serenade or appears at her window to watch it, it means that she is pleased with your surprise. If you are lucky enough, her parents can invite you into their house after the performance.

Serenading at her residence isn’t just about honoring your woman. Because her family may very well be listening, you are making a statement to all in your presence that you love their daughter and hope for their welcome.

Colombia’s Plaza

If you are just starting out in your relationship and want to impress her on National Lover’s Day, then do it at the plaza.

Plaza Garibaldi is a famous plaza in Mexico where serenading musical groups can easily be hired. All day and night, mariachi bands can be found playing and soliciting. This is the place to go when you want to listen to traditional Mexican music.

If you’re not ready to go to her house and meet her family, take a lover’s walk in the plaza. When the sun is about to set, serenade her along with the musical group you hired.

A picture of a man with a guitar  trying to sing a song to a woman at a small party.
Learn more about how to make your Mexican woman fall in love with you even more.

Doing It the Old-Fashioned Way

On every special occasion, most people give out presents to their significant partners - material things or not. Serenading might be old-fashioned, and even a risky move, but if it’s done right, it can be a pretty romantic present to give your partner.

If you failed to sing your heart out in 2021, get the chance to express your love on April 23rd or the National Lover’s Day and serenade your Mexican woman.

Nothing is more special than hiring a band and singing a love song to her. It hits differently. Any woman would agree that being sung to is really special and such a gesture will be remembered forever.

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